Project: Deploying WebApp on Azure using DevOps

Project Details:


Deployment Procedures

Part 1: Deployment of Linux vm which would be running Sonarqube using terraform

  • Terraform (IAC) code:

  • Open cmd and login to azure account

  • Terraform init and then terraform plan

  • Terraform apply

Step 2:Connecting to the vm using putty and then installing docker and then running a sonarqube container

  • Putty

  • Installing Docker

  • Running sonarqube container

Step 3: integrating Docker with azure

  • Service Connection:

Step 4: Integrating sonarqube with azure devops

  • Service connection:

  • Personal access token

Step 4: Creating a VM on azure which will act as an agent pool (which is going to run the azure pipeline) and then installing docker, trivy and java 11

  • Creating vm:

  • Installing Docker and Trivy

  • Downloading packages to make this system as agent pool

  • Installing java for sonarqube

Step 5: Creating Azure devops pipeline

Step 6: Creating Azure WebApp for containers

Step 7: Running Azure Devops Pipeline



OWASP Dependency Checker:

